It’s one thing to know that your wellbeing is important and it’s another thing to actually take inspired action each day to nurture it.
maddy and I


We’re all energetic beings and mums are the energetic head of the household. It’s not only essential for your wellbeing that you begin each day positively; it’s essential because it greatly impacts the wellbeing of everyone else in your home, too. Children especially, feel our energy, and respond to it. This is a wellbeing ripple effect. Working your wellbeing helps you to radiate positive energy right from the get-go and this is worth its weight in wellbeing gold!


Below are five simple, everyday ways you can work your wellbeing:

1. Wake up with a wellbeing-focused mindset


As soon as you open your eyes, acknowledge that you are awake and consciously decide to set a positive tone for the day. One excellent way to do this is by using the PAP (Positive Action Plan) tool I created a few years ago. It consists of asking yourself three questions before you do anything else and especially before the to-do list takes over your mind-space. The questions are: ‘how do I want to feel today?’ (Intention), ‘what am I grateful for right now?’ (Gratitude), ‘what are my top three priorities?’ (Priorities). To learn more about the PAP, this blog explains it in more detail -  


2. Meditate for five minutes


Each morning make time to be quiet. Find a space to sit still and simply listen to the sounds you hear, it could be the birds, the traffic, or the children. Alternatively, you may like to focus on one word that you like and feels good to you. For example, love, calm, flow, fun, peace, happiness, joy, positive, connection, ease, slow, or whatever word you like. Just five minutes of meditation will help your day flow with clarity and ease.


3. Move for five minutes


Jump up and move your body. Movement is a wonderful way to initiate a positive flow of energy. You might like to stretch, walk, jog, run, dance, or play. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you’re moving your body! You may even ask your children to join you if they are awake.



4. Appreciate all that you have


It’s easy to get caught up thinking about the things that you don’t have or how things are not as you’d like them to be. By spending time basking in all that you do have and what is working well, can be a brilliant way to positively start your day. For example, I appreciate that I’m alive, I’m healthy, my family are healthy, I have a nice home, hot running water, clean water to drink, beautiful friends, a loving family, comfortable clothes, healthy food in my pantry, shoes to wear, fresh air to breathe, trees to admire, a safe school to send my children to and so on. Once you start thinking about what you have you’ll be surprised at how many wonderful things you’ve already got.


5. Have a meditation shower


Transform your regular morning shower into a wonderful morning ‘me-time’ experience. Begin by taking eight, slow breaths. Then, for the remainder of the shower focus on how the water feels on your body. Notice how it flows and when your attention wanders towards the to-do list or something else that is not happening right now, gently notice your thoughts wandering and guide them back to the water. This is the perfect way to incorporate meditation into your mornings.


These five simple everyday wellbeing techniques are brilliant additions to your wellbeing toolkit. By using one or two of them daily, you will slowly but surely transform your wellbeing. Working your wellbeing will soon become second nature and you will enjoy the feeling of peace and joy that comes with it. Wellbeing is a continuous process and with each day you can work it, through one inspired action at a time.


Enjoy working your wellbeing today! xo

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