Everyday Wellbeing for Mums

Everyday Wellbeing for Mums - BOOK

Everyday Wellbeing for Mums is a practical tool-kit to help you navigate daily challenges with calm.

If ever there was a time to invest in your self-care now is the time!

Order your copy today.



Gorgi Coghlan - Project TV Host and mum

“A wonderful book…chock full of so many helpful tools for mums”

Gorgi Coghlan,
Project TV Host and Mum


Katie Maynes

“Little did I know when I purchased a copy of ‘Everyday Wellbeing for Mums’, at the start of this year, that it would become a lifesaver for me. Like for all Melbourne Mums, 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride. Without this book and knowing the importance of looking after myself - so I can look after my family- I’m not sure I would be able to have navigated remote learning while running my business and keeping sane whilst doing it.”

The thing I love about the book is the way Rhiannon has made the steps so simple to follow which is especially good when you are feeling overwhelmed and just not sure where to start. I also like that there are so many tools you’re able to find the ones that work best for you. Starting the day with the PAP tool has helped me a lot in lockdown two and I’ve even just found sitting down for a cuppa in the afternoon while I slip out of teaching mode and move into business owner mode has been a wonderful way for me to reset.

Rhiannon is so passionate about wellbeing for Mums and this shines through the book. Thank you for making this year that little bit easier and making me realise the importance of keeping my cup full so I can be the best possible support to my family. 

Katie Maynes,
Mum and business owner


Ethna Macken

"A wonderful guide for mothers about how to factor in their own wellbeing on a daily basis whilst caring for their children. Reflection and awareness are two of the tools recommended, mindfulness for mothers! This compact book is easy to read and suggestions are achievable".

Ethna Macken,
Maternal and Child Health Nurse.


Andrea Cavalchini

" I highly recommend reading 'Everyday Wellbeing for Mum's by Rhiannon Colarossi. There is truly something for every mum in here which they can utilise to benefit the wellbeing of not only for themselves, but for their family too. I know for myself, my favourite tool is the PAP!! One and half years on and I'm still using this tool every day to help set the tone for the day and to keep my positivity strong especially during this current pandemic we are in. I'm now in the process of trying to get my kids to do a PAP every morning as well to set their tone for the day. 

I honestly believe in all that I've gone through the past couple of years that this has really helped me to be positive and to see and appreciate what is around me no matter what has happened or is happening. Thank you Rhiannon!”

Andrea Cavalchini,
Mum of two


Lisa Vella
“Everyday Wellbeing for Mums, doesn’t over complicate the process to wellbeing. I’m currently reading it for the second time as it’s something that you need to do to remind yourself of the simple steps to wellbeing. They are easy processes that can be implemented immediately. A great little toolbox of ideas to refer to when feeling overwhelmed and a reminder that the path to wellbeing is a path to loving yourself.”

Lisa Vella,
Mum of two


Liz McGrath – Former Channel Seven Health Report and Health and Wellness Writer (and mum of five!)

I thoroughly recommend Rhiannon Colarossi’s Wellbeing Toolkit. As a busy working mum to two children of my own and three step children, it is exactly the kind of book I wish I had 10 years ago! How often do we get caught up in the busyness of life – career, keeping house, running after kids, getting a meal on the table every night – and forget to stop and be in the moment with our sons and daughters.

Before you know it, that time is gone and you’d give everything you have to sit on the floor and do a puzzle or play a game or run in the park, dirty house or not! This book gives you all of the tools you need to integrate wellbeing and time into your daily routine, giving you and your children the space for memories which will last a lifetime.

It is beautifully crafted, easy to understand and an absolute gem! Make this one book you don’t miss.

Liz McGrath,
Former Channel Seven Health Report and Health and Wellness Writer (and mum of five!)


Marie Vasques Guardabascio

"A beautifully written guide to help support and nurture your wellbeing. I love that I can pick this up on any given day and give myself a gentle reminder to take some self care. Thank you Rhiannon for sharing your wisdom with us."


Marie Vasques Guardabascio,
Mum of two


To discuss your upcoming event or to discuss a Mums Wellbeing Workshop series for your workplace, please email me directly on  Rhiannon@wellbeingweb.com.au



  • Role Models
  • Ripple Effect
  • Wellbeing Ripple Effect
  • Forgiveness
  • Authentic Self
  • Dear Mum,
  • Me Too
...because every woman is AMAZING & ADORABLE
when she embraces her beautiful AUTHENTIC self
and lets it shine brightly out into the world - everyday!

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