**Mums Wellbeing Masterclass**

Three Life-changing Tools to Help
Busy Mamas Cultivate Calm

30 mins + Q and A time

Rhiannon Colarossi - The Wellbeing Web Coaching


The Wellbeing Web with Rhiannon Colarossi

Hi beautiful mama, 

thank you for visiting this space that I created especially for you.

If ...

~ Your everyday mental health & wellbeing matters


~ You want to support for your child's mental health & wellbeing

Welcome, you're in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.


For the past 20 years, I've been working with children as a teacher, school wellbeing leader and recently as a Mental Health & Wellbeing leader. 

And for the past decade, I've been mentoring parents and teachers to help them become strong and kind wellbeing role models.

WHY have I spent half my life passionate about mental health and wellbeing?

For your children.

For my children

For our children

The first step is... priortising your mental health and wellbeing!

There are many protective factors that you as a parent can prioritise which directly supports your child's mental health development.


Building your mental health literacy capacity is essential and a perfect place to begin. Learn, grow and implement your everyday mental health plan with me as your mentor - let's get started. 




Soulful Wellbeing for Mums



Mastering the Wellbeing Basics while Raising a Toddler


Logo Balls My Mission

To help elevate your everyday mental health and wellbeing so that you can raise children who are kind, self-loving, and mentally healthy too. 


Logo Balls My Philosophy

"When mums nurture their wellbeing they create a beautiful ripple effect...positively affecting all those around them...especially their children”.

(Rhiannon Colarossi)

Reach out to me today and let's create a mental health and wellbeing plan together for you and for your family. I'm so excited to work with you towards excellent everyday mental health for you and your family. 

Reach out to me today and let's create a mental health and wellbeing plan together for you and for your family. I'm so excited to work with you towards excellent everyday mental health for you and your family. 


Logo Balls The 5 Dimensions of Wellbeing


Wellbeing Web logo explained Physical Social Spiritual Emotional Mental Wellbeing


  • Authentic Self
  • Ripple Effect
  • Me Too
  • Role Models
  • Wellbeing Ripple Effect
  • Dear Mum,
  • Forgiveness
...because every woman is AMAZING & ADORABLE
when she embraces her beautiful AUTHENTIC self
and lets it shine brightly out into the world - everyday!

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